Closer Than They Appear
I know better than to laugh at people in the gym. Understanding that I look a complete mess for 90% of a workout and every moment thereafter, I see no reason to giggle when other people experience gym misfortune. With…
No Coincidence: Connecting the Dots between the Past and Future
One month after a major life change and one week before my biggest poetry performance to date, I had one of those rare life moments in which you are able to connect the dots between your past, present, and future.…
On Natural Hair: Teach Me How to Love
I have recently become jealous of young girls. My envy is not rooted in the fact that they have their whole lives ahead of them or that the clothing in their section of department stores is often cuter than that…
The Last to Know
The heart will always remember first. As the days pass, it will become more sensitive than usual, with every word, image, and sound evoking emotion. The soul will follow. It will grow heavy, all sighs and deep meditation. It will…
A Magical Moment
Throughout these Olympics games, I have not been able to watch a single gymnastics competition without crying. Without fail, Simone would go tumbling through the air on the floor exercise or Laurie Hernandez would take a daredevil leap from the…
Spoken Word: It’s Personal (Black Lives Matter)
I am grateful for all the photographs of black boys and men that helped make up this project. I received a significant amount from parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and friends – essentially the village that helps to raise…
Seasonal Expectations
In keeping with the unofficial small talk playbook, every person I casually greeted on the elevator this morning mentioned the weather. The rain made for messy commutes and gloomy outlooks and people were vocal about their dislike of it. I don’t…