A Yellow Kind of Love
A Yellow Kind of Love Pink is the fairytale the world reads to young girls at bedtime: princess sitting pretty in palace window as a knight in shining armor scales the castle wall in pursuit of her love. Sweet dreams…
Marvels and Misfits
The past year was one of marvels and misfits. In mid-September, I penned an emotional entry in my prayer journal. It had been more than a year since I left stable employment on a spiritual journey to an undisclosed place…
Back Around
Last Sunday morning, I slowly opened my car door and gingerly placed one sky-high wedge sandal after another onto gravel. The walk from my car to the church was a rocky one, the flat surface of the wedge incompatible with…
To and Fro
To and fro. Those three small words have been heavy on my mind lately. For more than half of my life, I have held a negative view of “to and fro.” Sermons and songs have drummed into my head that…
The New Me, the Old Me, and the Distance in Between
For almost two years, I have been chasing an old version of myself. She went missing several years ago, so gradually that I could not trace my steps back to the exact moment and location where I lost her. Maybe…
The Very Hairs on Your Head
I have a lot of hair. I know this because every woman who has ever put hands to my head has said to me, “You have a LOT of hair.” All of this hair has made trips to the salon…
Closed Mouths
Every once in a while, I cross paths with someone with a brand of audacity that I observe with an odd combination of disdain and admiration. Yesterday was one of such occasions. When I approached the checkout section at the…