Sheryl's Pearls Blog
Forecasts and Faith: Can You Believe Beyond What You See?
As a smart girl prone to ditzy moments, I try not to judge people’s intelligence too hastily. Every once in a while, though, I’m tempted. Late Monday night while standing in a checkout line at Safeway, I found myself fighting…
Purpose: The Point of it All
This holiday season I went back to school, and in more ways than one. It was the place to be in Small Town, Virginia. Residents from around the region filed into a large gymnasium to see local high school basketball…
2013: A Year of Rebuilding
2012 was about tearing down. My pedestal of ideals, my emotional walls, the barriers to my spiritual growth, my fantasies, my ego – they all came tumbling down. That year I watched the necessary deconstruction of false beliefs and flimsily…
7 Things Single Ladies Don’t Want to Hear
I planned to write this long before I glared at a strange waiter last week in IHOP, but my interaction with him made this post all the more necessary. I was in good spirits moments before, having just finished a…
Someone Like You
I expected this to go another way. In fact, I wanted this to go another way. But it didn’t. Such is life. ‘This’ refers to this blog post. It began in January as a note in my iPhone, then took a wild…
I Got You
They had only been waiting a couple of minutes when she walked to the edge of the platform and glanced down the tracks. The tunnel was dark, nothing was coming. “So what train are we taking?” “I told you I…
Coloring for Dummies (aka Grown-Ups)
Tonight at Vacation Bible School, the children in my class of 4- and 5-year-olds colored pictures of a crucifix. As we discussed the death of Christ, the teacher explained what a cross was and told them to color the ones…